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30 July 1865

Major Gen O O Howard
Freedmen Bureau

I acknowledge the receipt of your two favors advised to me.
Reply I beg to submit the Evidence of Prince Holliday one of the parties claiming pay for work as mentioned in my first communication to you.

On the 27 of March 1865 I fowarded to Col Hardee asst secy of War vouchers more full than this, in relation to claims of Wm Gunnel Robt. Daniel, Miles Williams and Pleasant Bailey, with a request that he would have the kindness to refer them to the proper department. I have since learned that they should have gone to the Engineers Department I feel desirous that you should have those claims before you and the Evidence be cause they are more full and complete in each case. Will you please make reference for them?
I beg to remark that I have delayed reply in order that I might see and confer with these parties.  I have seen many of them-- They all whom I have seen and confered with can speak and testify and give time place and dates of work done by them. I mean they can testify to the amount agreed to be paid them, to the time they began to work and the day they stoped work with the kind of work they did and where and they will prove this by persons who were not there employed to work or by disinterested persons.
They have each and every one of them when I have seen deemed that Lt Macardle has not paid any of them one cent.

Transcription Notes:
Edited: fixed a few mistranscriptions 10/19: left aligned the text