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[[embossed Stamp]] Congress Washington [[/embossed stamp]]

Fort Bayard, D.C.
August 12th 1865

Respectfully returned, with the following Report.

On or about 20th of July 1865 while acting as Judge for Freedmans Bureau, at Norfolk, Va, an action of detinue was commenced before me by Caleb Pitt (colored) plaintiff Ag't James Harrison, Defn'dt to recover a horse and wagon, with damages for its detention.

On the trial it clearly appeared that the horse and wagon belonged to the plaintiff, and had been taken and detained by the defendant, and that the plaintiff had sustained damages by reason thereof to the amount of twenty dollars.

It also appeared that on a certain day Stephen Wicks (colored) drove the horse of the plaintiff, and took from Norfolk Va (where both Pitt and Wicks resided) an Officers baggage across the ferry and through the City of Portsmouth into the Navy Yard.

That on his return he was arrested by the defendant a policeman in the streets of Portsmouth and taken before the acting Mayor and fined ten dollars for alleged violation of an Ordinance of the City of Portsmouth against keeping a horse and wagon for public "use" without a license and the horse and wagon belonging to the plaintiff were detained for the payment of the fine. Pitt was not made a party to the proceedings.

I entered a judgement in favor of plaintiff for the return of the horse and wagon with twenty dollars damages for their taking and

Transcription Notes:
ADDED REF # AT TOP - REQUESTED BY SI Edited: fixed a few mistranscriptions -other edits