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No. 7.

in addressing you this communication, is to invoke your explination of the following order. -

Bureau of Refugees Freedmen & Abandoned Lands
Head Quarters Assistant Commissioner State of Virginia
Richmond Virginia 10th July 1865

Genl Order No 2.
1 The following circular from the War Department is published for the information of all concerned:

War Department
Bureau of Refugees Freedmen & Abandoned Lands 
Washington 30th May 1865

No 5 }

Rules and Regulations for Assistant Comrs

vii  In all places where there is an interruption of civil Law, or in which Local Courts, by reason of old codes, in violation of the freedom guaranteed by the proclimation of the President and the laws of Congress, disregard the negroe's right to justice before the laws, in not allowing him to give testimony, the

Transcription Notes:
ADDED REF # AT TOP -- PER SI INSTRUCTIONS Edited: fixed a few mistranscriptions