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Estimate of funds required for the service of the Medical Department of Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands for the year ending August 31st, 1866

[[4 columned table]]
|   |   | Dolls. | cts. |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| 1 | For medicines | 100,000 | 00 |
| 2 | For hospital supplies | 420,000 | 00 |
| 3 | For private physicians and medicines furnished by the same | 120,000 | 00 |
| 4 | For pay of cooks, nurses and other attendants | 240,000 | 00 |
| 5 | For ice, fruits and other comforts | 30,000 | 00 |
| 6 | For care of sick and insane in private institutions | 15,000 | 00 |
| 7 | For artificial limbs for refugees and freedmen who have been injured in the public service, during the rebellion | 12,000 | 00 |
|   | Amount required. | $937,000 | 00 |

Note. - The Medical and Hospital Supplies are required for twenty-thousand (20,000) destitute and suffering refugees and freedmen and their wives and children - eight thousand (8,000) being sick in hospitals, homes and asylums, and twelve thousand (12,000) requiring medicines and medical attendance in relief establishments.

Caleb W. Hornor
Surg. U.S. Vols.,
Chief Medical Officer.