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Army and Navy Bankers, 

39 Mercer St., N.Y., 337 Fulton St., Room 2 Brooklyn, South 7th St., cor. 1st St., W'bgh., and 98 Market St., Newark, New Jersey.

            PAY AS FOLLOWS:
To all men who enlisted from July 1st, 1861, to June 25, 1863, - - - $100 00
To all men who enlisted in old organiz'ns from Oct. 24th, 1863, to April 1st, 1864 300 00
To all men who enlisted in new organiz'ns from Dec. 24th, 1863 to April 1st, 1864 300 00
To all men who enlisted from April 1st, 1864, to July 17th, 1864 - - - - 100 00
To all men who enlisted after July 18th, for one year - - - - - - 100 00
To all men who enlisted after July 18th, for two years, - - - - - 200 00
To all men who enlisted after July 18th, for three years, - - - - - 300 00 
To all men who enlisted at any other time,- - - - - - - - - 100 00
To all drafted under Act of March 3d, 1863, or their substitutes, if served 2 years, 100 00
To all discharged for wounds in line of duty - - - - - - - - 100 00

           Under the Equalization Act
3 years' men get - - $100.
2 years' men get - -  $50.

              COLORED TROOPS
Are entitled to the same as white troops.

From July 1st, 1864, who enlisted for one, two or three years, are entitled to [[image - hand pointing]] $100 00
$200 00 and $300 00 respectively.

                 STATE BOUNTIES
For the States of New York, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Michigan, New Jersey State pay, California and Maryland, collected.

Are entitled to difference of Pay from date of actual duty to date of Muster. Also, to three months' pay proper if in service as such on the 3d day of March, 1865 ;-no matter whether discharged, by resignation, expiration or at their own request.

  Under the Law of June 6th, 1866, all persons totally and permanently disbale, are entitled to $25, $20 and $15 respectively.
  Pensions are also granted to dependent Fathers and Brothers. An increase of $2 a month is granted to the widow for each child under sixteen years of age.
  New applications in any of the above cited cases have to be made in order to obtain the benefits of these Pensions.
  In cases of Colored Soldiers' Widows, evidence of cohabitation and mutual recognition is sufficient. 

                   PRIZE MONEY.
Is now ready for over 1600 Vessels. Also, for the destruction of the Rebel Fleets at Mobile Memphis, and other places.

                 $60 COMPENSATION
Is due to all Sailors and Marines who were wrecked, or in any other way lost their Bag and Hammock. 
  Naval officers are also entitled to one months' sea pay for the loss of their effects.
  All parties who desire to have their business promptly and intelligently attended to and at the lowest Congressional rates, are recommended to this as one of the most reliable Agencies in the United States.
  All Communications, enclosing stamps, will be promptly attended to. 

Mark J. Higgins.           Leon Peartree.