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PRINCIPAL OFFICE OF THE Freedman's Savings and Trust Company Washington, D.C: July 3d 1874. Hon. J. A. J. Creswell, Washington, D.C. Sir: I am instructed by the Trustees of the Freedman's Savings and Trust Company to notify you of your situation as one of the Commissioners to take charge of all the property and effects of said company &c. as provided for in the 7th section of the act of June 20th, 1874. Messrs. Robert Purois and R. H. T. Leopold have been selected as the other Commissioners. Your selection having been approved by the Secretary of the Treasury, it is desirable that you should take immediate steps for the execution of the necessary bond and enter upon your duties at the earliest practicable moment. Respectfully yours Fred K. Douglass Prest.