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Baton Rouge Louisiana
June 1st, 1865

I beg leave to report that my premises situated in Jackson Louisiana were trespassed upon in the following manner  On Monday the 29th Ult, a Waggon marked U.S. with four mule team, driven by a colored man in U.S. States Uniform and accompanied by three colored men one of whom was dressed in U.S. State Uniform entered my yard and took forcible possession of my family Servants, to wit, woman Emily and her four children, woman Susan and her three children. The two colored men in citizens dress, I know, One is named Eley, the other Turner, they are the husbands of said women and live at Port Hudson, from whence they came together with the wagon and team and two colored men in United States Soldiers Uniform  They were taken away without my consent and without any meditation on their part and were supported by a Commissioned Officer. Captain Getchell A.A.G. on Brig Gen Hamlin's Staff  Wherefore I bring these facts to your consideration and ask that you will order and direct the above named Servants to be restored to my service where they can be treated kindly and contracted as prescribed by the military authorities of the State

Very Respectfully
Your Obdt servant
W.S. Slaughter

Brig Gen Lawler,
Commanding Eastern Div
Baton Rouge Louisiana