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S 109

Philadelphia. May 1. 1865.

Honorable Edwin M. Stanton
Secretary of War.
Washington D.C. 

There are many reasons, and no one knows of them better than yourself, why the man chosen to be the Head of the proposed "Bureau for Freedmen and Refugees", should be eminently fitted for the work necessary to be engaged in. I beg leave, respectfully, to offer, for your consideration, in connexion with your choice, the name of

Major General Clinton B. Fisk of Missouri.

The nature of the service rendered by him in Missouri; his known Christian character; his intimate relationship with the eminent benevolent operations of the day; his sympathy for those who are to be benefitted and aided by the Bureau; his great Executive ability; his integrity; his energy and forethought; his faithful loyalty; - all these combine, in my mind, to render his fitness for the post of Chief of the proposed Bureau- very evident and certain.
I have the honor to be, very respectfully,
Your obedient servant,
Geo. H Stuart

Transcription Notes:
Edited: fixed a mistranscription and added in quotation marks