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Philadelphia, 1. May 1865

His Excellency Andrew Johnson
President of the United States
I have the honor, very respectfully, to call your attention to the claims of Major-General Clinton B. Fisk of Missouri
for the post of chief of the proposed "Bureau for Freedmen and Refugees."
There are many reasons why there would be peculiar fitness in the selection of General Fisk for the position named: his irreproachable character; his intimate connection with the various benevolent operations of the day; his sympathy for the people to be aided and benefitted by the establishment of the Bureau; his energy, integrity and forethought; his faithful loyalty; the nature of the service he has been called on to render the Union cause in Missouri; - all these work together to render his fitness for the position, very markt indeed.

I beg leave to present that no common man and no common qualifications should be connected in the person but in charge of the proposed Bureau; in as much as such immense interest depends on it success.

I have the honor to be, most respectfully yours,

Geo. H. Stuart