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Columbus Ohio
15th May 1865


It was announced today with general pleasure that you had been appointed Cheif of the Freedmen's Beaureau.  I suppose you will first choose your coadjutors and beg to call your attention to Rev. R. L. Chittenden, chaplain of [[strikethrough]] our [[/strikethrough]] my former regiment, the 43d Ohio.  His worth of character you know, I may further assure you that he is an accurate accountant, a ready workman at almost anything, and perhaps the most energetic man I know.  I write thus without any consultation with Mr. Chittenden, whos's with his regiment, but from a strong sense of his fitness for the work. Infer that his heart is in it from the fact that in his regiment and wherever else opportunity offered it was his invariable practice to gather

Transcription Notes:
Edited: fixed formatting and a few mistranscriptions Coadjutor definition is - one who works together with another Whos's is as written, even though it should be who's... left as written. Infer looks like I'mfer... not sure if it's a misspelling or a wrong word.... last word is cut off this page, finished on next... gather.