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Office Commissary General of Subsistence, 
Washington City, May 15th 1865

Col. C. A. Howard,

D. Sir,
In accordance with your suggestion, I take the liberty of addressing you in relation to the subject of our last conversation - when you were in Washington viz: a commission in a colored regiment. Since that time, I have passed the board & been recommended, for a Ltcy, in the V.R.C. & am daily expecting an appointment, but as my foot is improving, I feel that now, that the long marches are over, I would be able to fill, & would prefer a position in the Corps D'Afrique.

Should my appointment come in the R.C. I expect to be assigned to a Rgmt. in this City, & in the event of my being unable to get an appointment in a Cold Rgmt. Could you aid me to get detached to [[strikethrough]] some [[/strikethrough]] duty here in some bureau? In time of war I would not ask for a position of the kind, would prefer being with the command to which assigned