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U.S. General Hospital
Elivira N.Y. May 16h. 1865

Maj Genal O.O. Howard

Dear Sir

I saw by the N.Y. Times of May 15h. that you had been appointed Sup't of the Bureau of Freedmens affairs.  If you will please exsuse me for trespassing upon your time and patience I would like to ask a favour of you..  If you have a place to give me that I may remain in the service of the Gov't. or through your influence I can obtain such a place I shall be under many obligations to you
I came to this place from Leeds in 1851 and commenced the practice of med. and continued the practice until I was appointed A.A. Surgeon in charge of the U.S. General Hospital at this Post by an order of the Sec'y of War that position I never hold but have been notified that the hospital will soon be broken up.
I have been a republican ever since this has