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Sec War

Post Hospital, 
Fort Delaware, Del
July 4, 1865

My Dr. Gov'r Seward, 
At the last State Election the Republicans came within about 400 carrying the State, Emigration of Northern farmers here these four years past has greatly aided the Republican party. But lately competition for labor every where has much abated this means of help. Still, with judicious & energetic organization of Counties & towns along with earnest Endeavor for Northern farmers, the State and United States Offices can be changed by next Session of the Legislation, and slavery be wiped out. With a little aid from the Government, the thing may, I think, be made certain. I offer to try to do it myself: and at no cost to the Government but transportation, provided Gen. Howard will make me Commissioner while I am chaplain here. I greatly need not. You know why I imagine. To correct an Officers' mistake in mustering me out while chaplain in Philada., President Lincoln, without my knowledge, made an Especial appointment of myself to the Post Hospital here two years ago. It brought me to the bedside of 2000 sick pr month & 3000 burials to date. Consequently I am much worne with fatigue & frequent illness. Travelling three to four days pr. week upon this mission through Delaware (and even through Maryland & Virginia in the Peninsula if Gen. H. desires it) would be the very thing for my health, not to say any thing about the good end in view. Gen. H. has one Chaplain as Commissioner in the South West, &, now that our prisoners & guard are little more than 1000, perhaps I could do both the chaplain's & Commissioner's duty, & thus save the salary of Commissioner. At any rate I offer to try. In your affliction as ever, Very truly yr. faithful friend & svt. in C
Wm. H. Paddock
Chaplain U.S.A

The Hon. Sect of U. States      

Transcription Notes:
SI asks that & be used for + "I greatly need not" does not make sense in this context. What else could it be?