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It occurs to me that the proper use of my profession in your command would, not only be of the greatest benefit to this most unfortunate, but now hopeful race, but would be great economy to the Government besides relieving the heads of Departments of a large amount of doubtful anxiety. 

It is clear to me from my observation of the buildings which I have examined that at least twenty five percent of the money expended is lost for want of proper plans, detail & specifications. 

Proper estimates of amounts & quality is also an important item, as much time is often lost in waiting for additional material, & money is thrown away in using extravagant qualities.

It should be remembered that the planing of buildings is entirely a separate branch from the execution of the work & very many mechanics fully competent in their branch, possess no skill or experience in arranging convenient appartments, tasty exteriors or healthy & comfortable interiors, while their want of skill in construction will lead them to an extravagant use  of material to secure strength, or what is often the case and worse, the buildings are demolished the first little squall that arises. 

I shall be happy to show the General some of my designs which have been executed.