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National Freedman's Relief Association
New York, 31 May 1865. 

Major Genl
O.O Howard.
Bureau R. F. &c
Washington. D.C.

In reply to your letter of 29th Inst, I have the honor to state that, in 1863, a Union was formed by the Freedman's Relief Association of Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Cincinnati & Chicago, under the title of the "U.S. Commission for the relief of the National Freedmen"; that, in May 1865, the current month, another union, more stringent in its requirements, was formed by the Boston, New York, Philadelphia & Baltimore Assoc'ns under the title of the "American Freedmen's Aid Union"; that Mr. J.M. McKim, 130 Nassau Street, New York is the Secretary of both the above unions, & will gladly receive any communications respecting our work.
I remain, Sir, with much respect & esteem, 
Yr obt Srvt
Frans Geo. Shaw