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entire want of means that so little has already been accomplished in Georgia. Should you accede to my request with regard to the details of officers to act as commissioners of this bureau, I shall be careful in the reports I call for, not to encroach in the slightest degree upon their military obligations. I only desire faithfully to carry out the orders I receive from the head of the bureau.

As soon as I recover from a temporary indisposition, consequent upon the climate, under which I am at present suffering, I shall visit Augusta. I desire to have a thorough understanding as regards your views and wishes respecting the operations of this bureau.

It is my earnest desire to cooperate in every way with yourself and other military authorities to further the best interests of the Government. I have sent my Adjutant Genl. Major Kinsman to open an office at Augusta. He will transmit without delay any communications you may desire to send to me.

I am General
Very Respectfully
Your obedt. servant
R. Saxton
Brev Major General
Ass't Com'r