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Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
South Carolina, Georgia and Florida,
Beaufort, S. C., August 7th, 1865.

Major W.L.M. Burger
Ass't Adjt Genl
Dept South Carolina


I have the honor to request, if it is consistent with the interest of the military service, that a detail may be made of two officers, at the Headquarters of each district and Sub-District in your Department, to report to me by letter; remaining at their present station; for duty in this Bureau, with the exception of Charleston, Columbia Beaufort and Georgetown S.C.; where I have Commissioners already established.

As the duties which will be required of these Officers are, as you may be aware, of a somewhat delicate and important nature, involving questions for adjudication full of difficulty and without precedents to guide, and requiring sound judgment as well as common sense, for their solution, and a large pecuniary responsibility, I would respectfully ask that you will