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Paris, 4 March 1958
1, Villa Seurat
Paris XIV

[[note]] Have had no reply to this. Perhaps you could call Porter up to remind min I'm waiting a reply.[[/note]]

Mr. Porter Mc Crea
Museum of Modern Art
11 West 53 Street
New-York City  U.S.A.

Paris, 4 March 1958 
Dear Porter,

This is by way of a postscript to the letter I sent you two days ago : I should like to include in my proposal the possibility that should I be able to finish the garden here by June then that I may do some of the stone garden pieces that I will show at the museum here in Japan during the summer.

This makes more sense than it at first sounds. First of all, I know where everything is there and everybody helps which simply is not the case in France as you probably know. If I go outside of France, the shipping charges to here will not be too extravagantly different from that of shipping from Japan (provided the Japanese shipping companies will give me a break which I think they will) via Marseilles a route which I know.

What I originally talked about with Mr. Casou was to show a group of about six stone arrangements (sculptures ?) on low platforms from which they would spring as in a garden. Now, if I can do some of these things in Japan, it would be a great help because I do not know if I can do here the sort of thing I can do easily there.

I should like to amend my proposal to you to say that I will devote all of the sum allocated as originally requested to shipping charges. The only difference will be that the shipping will be from Japan to Paris to New-York. This indeed makes a great deal of sense as I hope you will agree.

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