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2 June, 1958

Dearest Isamu,

Forgive, forgive my not writing before this. Have been waiting for my plans to jell - then when they did everything became unbelievably hectic. I leave June 9th on the Cristofo Colombo, arriving Naples June 17th - from there to Rome for a few days, then a weekend (21st to 23rd) at Spoleto, the middle of the week at Milano to catch the Museum of Modern Art show, then back to Spoleto for the weekend of the 27th, 28th, 29th. Might return to Rome for a few days, then to Venice for the Biennale. Robert Ferguson tells me you can make Spoleto - do hope you can as I want so much to see you. Through a friend there I will have tickets for the ballet, etc. - Calder has done the sets for one. Am enclosing my two addresses so please write me there to let me know if I can expect you.

The Hermes people in Greece had not sent a consular invoice, so we have not been able to get your sculpture out of customs - another reason for not writing as we have been expecting them daily. Hope they arrive before I leave. Are you planning to go to Greece before Japan? Want to talk to you about your show next year, etc.

Mr. Bergstein is coming up this week so we will get everything organized properly before I leave.

Unless you have a definite job in this country, I don't see much point in your coming here at the beginning of the summer. Anyway, do try to make Spoleto - where we can discuss everything.

Much love,