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2. Engineering draftsman, Doughlas Aircraft, 1942-4 worked on post-war cargo plane; architectural draftsman in office of R.M. Schindler, 1944-46;

[[strikethrough]] Published [[/strikethrough]] fiction: [[strikethrough]] in [[/strikethrough]] the New Yorker, Harper"s Bazaar and numerous literary quarterlies (reprinted in anthologies).

[[strikethrough]] Associate ed t r [[/strikethrough]] Ed Adv Bd of Arts & Architecture magazine since 1951; contributed an issue on University City of Mexico, and one on Mexican domestic architecture; [[strikethrough]] several [[/strikethrough]] articles on Candela [[note]] The greens, Schindler, [[?]], etc. [[/note]]; articles on California historical modern work; [[note]] the stories on Schindler [[/note]] Nervi, 1957 Trienalle, [[strikethrough]] exhibits in Sand [[/strikethrough]] arts and rafts in Italy and Sardinia.

Articles on architecture in Evergreen Review, and five western university quarterlies.

Text for film "Architecture West."

[[Note]] Traveling [[/Note]] Exhibits and catalogues:

[[Note]] on the [[/Note]] Committee to prepare the [[Note]] Schindler [[/Note]] memorial exhibition [[strikethrough]] of the work of Schindler; commolated [[/strikethrough]] 1954.

[[strikethrough]] Committee to Wrote the [[/strikethrough]] catalogue for Roots of California Contemporary Architecture exhibt, 1956, [[strikethrough]] sponsored by auspices of Los Ang Barnsdall Park, auspices of [[/strikethrough]] Los Angeles Art Commission and Architectural Panel

[[strikethrough]] Wrote the [[/strikethrough]] catalogue and on committee to preapre the Felix Candela exhibit, [[strikethrough]] auspices of [[/strikethrough]] sponsored by Univer of So Cal Sch of Arch and Art Dept., 1957

[[strikethrough]] Worked on the [[/strikethrough]] Prepared material some of the Colil [[strikethrough]] from California [[/strikethrough]] for the "One Hundred Years of Architecture in America" exhibition, 1957

[[strikethrough]] Wrote the [[/strikethrough]] Catalog, and on committee to prepare the Irving Gill exhibit, Los Angeles Co. Museum, 1958

Prepared [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] Juan O"Gorman mosaic exhibition for Long Beach Museum, 1958.

[[strikethrough]] Reporter f or [[/strikethrough]] Twn issues of Los Angeles Times Gome Mag on arts & crafts [[strikethrough]] and architecture [[/strikethrough]] of Mexico, [[strikethrough]]Guatemala, [[/strikethrough]] Mayan arch of Yucatan, weaving [[strikethrough]] crafts [[/strikethrough]] of Guatemala, Italy, Sardinia, and Brasilia. 

[[note]] arts & crafts of [[strikethrough]] Italy [[/strikethrough]] Venice Flo & Milan
Milan Triennalle; Sardinian arts & crafts; marbles of Italy. [[/note]]

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