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1750 16 The Presence of Candela, Zodiac #12, 1963
2500 20 Juan O'Gorman Mosaics, A & A, Feb. 1964
1000    Maya Architecture      A & A, Feb. 1964
2000 21 Ten Italian Architects, catalogue for LA Co. Mus show, 1966
1500 22 Tribute to Sardinia, A & A, Nov. 62,
        Nuraghi (ancient fortresses) in Sardinia, LA Times, 1958
1750 23 Le Corbusier's La Tourette and Postman Cheval's Palais Ideal, (not written) Arts & Arch
2000 24 Brasilia, Los Angeles Times, Nov. 1960
        4 separate articles to be merged.