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Kajima Institute
Publishing Co., Ltd.
5-13 Akasaka 6-chome
Minato-ku Tokyo
Phone: 03-582-2251

Space Design:
Monthly Journal of
Art and Architecture

March 19, 1984

Ms. Esther McCoy
2433 Beverly Avenue,
Santa Monica, California,

Dear Ms. McCoy,

I am the Associate Editor of SD (SPACE DESIGN), one of leading Japanese magazines specialized in architecture, arts and design.

Thank you very much for your cooperation of the interview with you by Mr. Makoto Watanabe. I enclosed the document of the interview. I should be much obliged to you if you would check it and give us some advice.

Mr. Makoto Watanabe will call you up by the overseas telephone call at 5:00 P.M., 26th of March, and will ask you about the result of your checking. 

I should appreciate it much if you give favorable considerations on the matter.

Thank you in advance.

Sincerely yours,

Hidenori Aruga

Hidenori Aruga
Associate Editor, SD