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& too shy to go in to the crowded Sun. night cafes & restaurants for so small a meal. I remember my first time in Paris - I remember everywhere where I have gone hungry because of this.  That may be why I found lovers - so I wouldn't starve. So I hoard food. Halves of sandwiches (ate 1/2 a cheese in the Paris hotel from the airport cafeteria) why I put a gruyere in my bag from breakfast - a piece of raisen cake from Kew which I ate for lunch 2 days later in Green Park.

I can remember my first days in Paris so long ago when I bought Coquille St. Jacques at the deli & ate them cold for dinner.  I really hate going in a restaurant alone at night - perhaps why I now take 1/2 pension in Italy so after exhausted from walking I can eat what is set before me & go to bed on a full stomach...  I now sit over teas at the Cafe de Tourisme on Bl St. Germain - was looking for Church of St. Ger which I looked at so many hrs as a girl while have coffees at Deux Magots