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Aug M 28 & Tues 29
Stopped yesterday at the Tourisme Cafe.  Did a lot of backtracking & wandering. From the cafe went to Gare de L'Est & had my Eurail Pass stamped & asked about when train was made up & what track  This was a second [[window?]] & he was trying to tell me something was wrong & I couldn't get it.  Someone translated for me - told me to go downstairs.  Found nothing there that applied so back to first man who stamped pass.  He said all was in order.  So I left

Got a bus to St. Germaine des Pres & walked from there back to my hotel arriving at 1:00.  They wouldn't let me in my room.  I offered to pay 1/2 day to 6 but she said they had no one to clean.  So my bags were brought down & left in the lobby & I went out again for lunch.  Wanted to go out to a N. Vietnam restaurant to show my sympathies but there were closed & by then after 2 so took the Italian place next door - seeing no French