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The thought of carrying a raincoat, big bag, big tote and BOAC bag was so much. I went through the hall where the lockers were & found someone unloading. Took it to deposit and loaded up, then thru gates to trains and parked it at a cafe. Sat down with 2 Eng women & did have still another pot of tea - Ceylon this time. Place was filled with kids going to Olympics at Munich. Track still not announced at 10 PM. I pushed the chariot over to the place where all the Olympic people were now gathered. Ten minutes before departure at 10:15 track was announced. I had a room alone. Read Dahlberg's "Because I was Flesh" (Train just stopped I thought it was Vienna & berth still not made up & hit my head on metal plate of upper berth. Christ - a huge bump on my head.) Couldn't sleep from train jolting finally took at midnight a sleeping pill - 2 left