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only one real nights sleep - in Paris in a terrible bed. Paris was truly wonderful in spite of seeing nothing, lousy tray for breakfast with cool tea stale roll & poor orange.
2 more hrs to Vienna - unless a time change
Dahlberg is really writing about himself in his mother but all the rich incidents are hers & he keeps in background.
A book to love, to kiss, I wonder why Dahlberg got so mad at me that he wouldn't speak when I met him sitting on a bus bench in front of SM library. He wrote "But all reasons are so useless that even where we are not guilty we cannot prove it to ourselves." p.30  As in the case of all books I love when something strikes me as wonderful as food all wonder, I open the front [[crossed out]] with a [[/crossed out]] joyously & wrote my name & the date on the flyleaf - firmly! This is mine, I have been here & have felt deeply. Travel to Vienna 8/28