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The noise is unbelieveable here across from Südbanhof. I think of the woman in chg at Arneberg who said there was no place in town, with great satisfaction. I wonder if this trait (something there of Neutra) is Austrian. A neglected country off the main tourist route. 

Hans made a point of growing up with Baroque so it was in his blood, nothing new to him. This came when I mentioned that the young (partly pushed by Venturi) had turned from the passion for medieval to Baroque. I said well, we have neither. We go out to find them. He is right as all practicing architects are to distrust historians. And I distrust them too & do not consider myself one. I loved Sybil calling herself an arch reporter. How good to detach oneself from the destruction of a living thing. How can one possibly do any but jump with joy at Wagner's flower strewn feats. But as I express something of this to Hans he places me outside & makes it clear that I couldn't possibly know what was really going on. So this is the reason one can trust only the eyes & the emotions & this is why I write