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(1/2 hr on Sat in Vienna at the Schonbrun

no rain. Frightfully anxious for news of hostage - still none. But they were already dead & the news was held up. A long hard walk over Accademia bridge with bags, thru Campo Vidal, thru Campo S. Stephano then missed alley to Campo S. Maurizio & finally directed, then walked 100 yds beyond Albergo S. Maurizo. Exhausted. Put in a miserable 2 1/2 M x 3 1/2 M room with 2 beds at 3600 Lira a night. Frightfully expensive now. An omelet at S. Stephans cafe 1200 plus tea. Then at 2 PM to Biennale. Thru Ital. rms then US, Venizie Icri, Oggi Austria to see Hans' things. A room of furniture of 4"x4" white bathroom tile chair, bed a shallow pit with red velvet, a square with broken line & the line inset with brass -