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10 days more before I am home. 5 in Milan, then to Grasser - I think - unless something comes up in Italy. Nothing for P/A so far - unless it is in Milan - but I will do Han's shop for them. Valle is now in Udine but darned if I want to go up to see him, that boar.  Will call Angelo Mangiarotti...  Someone now making love on the floor above me. Now the climax & the water running. 

Fri Sept 8.
Missed early train couldn't sleep. No facchino to carry bags La signora upped the price of the servants room she lodged me in to 3900 - 7800 for 2 nights. No stamp on bill. Never did get a bath. Race to to station - 9:15 gone but Perettio to Milan-Torino on track. Faccino carried bags - last coach - all empty 400 L to [[Locrire?]] 1/2 hr wait in Mestre. Glad to be moving. I am so dirty, 2 dresses I [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[\strikethrough]] [[?]] in take to Venice baked are filthy.