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all the stories about Giulia, dear Giulia. Last time being taken to before Genoa, their summer place, where she rerouted to pay her taxes in person, and me with a date at 4 PM. Arrived back by the long scenic route at 7:00 after a lunch she took out of her bag -- odds and ends -- then a walk around the sea cliff then she said "Now I will sleep for an hour." During that peaceful hour I missed my notebook and fretted. (It turned up at the hotel.) On the scenic route home she told me of sights -- after we had passed them -- buildings. Got To Center Airport Hotel maybe at 8 PM and had a steak pie at 9 and colect to bed. The plane trip back was longer than trepools. Food food food, my stomach good, the 2 qts of Maalox  Posting until 3 hours before L.A. The house in good shape and cleaned by Cathy day before. Very little mail. It was a week before I stopped waking at around 3 to 5 every morning and falling asleep at end of 7:30 news. Annie sore from scratching. Got her tub and medicated her from head to foot the fourth night. An easy enjoyable trip. Cost too much.