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for me in line for standing room. The regulars in the standing line got to know me and as I came into sight, running and panting, they cheered wildly. I much preferred spending my money on theater than food, and when Christmas rush was over and Brentano's fired me I was rundown and got flu. But in the month at Brentano's I saw a great many plays and heard opera at least once a week. There were also concerts at the Mecca on 57th, near the Philharmonic, where you could get a seat on Sunday evening for 25 cents; later there was chamber music at the Town Hall on Sunday afternoons.

With Bo I sat downstairs. Even at plays that had just opened and had good reviews. Even at musicals I could have passed up, like "Hit the Deck," Bo got seats for us the first week. And we saw "Showboat" in style at the Ziegfeld. Bo was not really fond of the plays I liked most; he had no feel for O'Neil, the Provincetown Playhouse was too dirty for him, although I loved sitting down front where you could smell the powder and paint, see the expressions on the actors faces, and at Lewisohn Stadium close enough to the ballet dancers [[strikethrough]] on the stage that you could [[/strikethrough]] to see the apples bobbing in their taut calves.

The affair with Bo started unexpectedly. That evening Geoff and I had dinner at the Franco Italian restaurant and then as I as going to the theater, I hurried down the steps at #9 Patchin to meet Bo. Catching my heel, I fell, snapped off the heel, tore my stocking, bloodied my leg and turned my ankle. I hobbled in, sat on the bed and watched my ankle swell. That was how Bo found me. By that time my foot was too swollen to get into a shoe.