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A line-up of 12 3-4 year olds entranced with a steam shovel. And (maybe a poet) young man walking around the area with the sculpture that "swings" in with 2 [[illustration]] hammock swing [/illustration]] nearby trees. The bare winter trees everywhere are really a joy to see.

The new, favored cafe on Rue de Seine, several blocks from hotel, in side room where one or two are always sitting writing, or drawing, for hours. Architecture or art students or anyone. During yesterday's blackout a wine bottle with a candle was quite nice. And St. Sulpice at day or night. At dusk bent over little old ladies in to pray in the Gothic darkness. In daytime fountain goes. Henry Miller says he slept in this square - "Tropic of Cancer" background reading for Paris.

The insults of hotel people was well-timed. The night man really infuriated me & upset me Sun. night. Michel regards him purely as a "domestic" & fairly orders him - which helps me not a bit. So Sun. eve M. came up to my room (only 8 PM) calls down for a taxi, getting some of retort from the man - & when we got down he demanded to know when I was leaving. Christ I thot he was going to throw me out. All's well now. Madame is very sweet. I'm paid up thru Thurs.- they will hold my bag & mail & reserve a 8.75 franc room (on court) for Dec.7.

Cont. on 11/29 - a clear, blue sky sunny day Luxemburg very bright & full of people. Yellow & magenta mums quite bright. Lunch with Henry - now another letter cracked off his typewriter - he thinks its his cold unheated room. He never goes around - stays in and reads & writes & sees his friends. Reads Frank Harris "Story of My Life & Loves"- Paul Bowles - Norman Mailer "Advertisements for Myself"- the