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San Antonio EXPRESS-NEWS-Nov. 2, 1979 Page 17-W

hoopla [[image]]man screaming with mouth open[[/image]]

Chance to see 'Humanscapes'

EXHIBITION: The San Antonio College Department of Art and Advertising Art will present an exhibition entitled 'Humanscapes' by Mel Casas.
The show will be open to the public through the month of November and will exhibit acrylic paintings and 'portable art boxes.'
Casas, a native of El Paso, is currently a Professor of Arts at SAC, and is serving his third year as Chairman of the combined departments.
The exhibition will be the first one-man show of Casas' work in San Antonio.
The exhibition will open with a reception for the artist on Nov. 9 in the upper gallery of the Koehler Cultural Center at 7 p.m.
Weekday viewing will be Tuesday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
For more information, call 734-7311, ext. 226
See Gallery, Col 4, for details.

[[image - photograph]]
Mel Casas
SAC professor will make his work available for San Antonio viewing.