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(formerly the Modern Quarterly)

V.F. Calverton

Ernest Sutherland Bates
David P. Berenberg
Jerome Davis
Robert Delson
Bruno Fischer
Ludwig Lore
Nina Melville
S. L. Solon
Herbert Zam

Thomas Benton 
George Grosz
Charles Alston

Sherwood Anderson
Robert Briffault
John Chamberlain
Stuart Chase
Morris Cohen
John Dewey
Max Eastman
Havelock Ellis
Waldo Frank
Andre Gide
Maxim Gorki
C. Hartley Grattan
Mauritz Hallgren
Charles Yale Harrison
Will Herberg
Henry Hazlitt
Sidney Hook
Langston Hughes
Alfred Kreymborg
Harold J. Laski
Andre Malraux
Lewis Mumford
Scott Nearing
Max Nomad
John Dos Passos
Romain Rolland
James Rorty
Bertrand Russell
George Santayana
Upton Sinclair
Benjamin Stolberg
Norman Thomas
Leon Trotsky
H. G. Wells
Edmund Wilson
Bert Wolfe
Thomas Wolfe
Art Young

Editorial Office:
46 Morton Street
New York City
Eight Months------$1.00
One Year----------$1.50
Single Copy-------$0.15

March 1, 1938

Dear Spinky:

You old sun-of-a-bitch:

  Even though you didn't come to the Modern Monthly party, even though you are a lousy bastard, even though -- well I can't think of anything else at the moment -- despite and notwithstanding all that, I happened to give you mention in Current History magazine (March issue) in my Cultural Barometer department.

  I presume by now at least 25 people told you about it, and you have bought 25 copies of the magazine, but if by chance nobody has, go out now, hide your face, and ask for a copy of the March issue of Current History (25 cents), and there you'll find some nice words about your own dear self.

Yours ever,

Mr. Charles Alston,
306 W. 141st st.