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[ex]perience, plus your rigid but challenging criticism, have given me a certain potentiality which is laden with possibility. But what have I done about it to this point? A lot of nothing! Oh I have done a lot of little things and directed my time and energy into many small chanels - All relatively interesting and to a certain degree satisfying: - for example, the radio work last year, the interracial speeches this year, The Theatre Guild performances, Y.W. Community project and the like. Then there are numerous insignificant things that I will do such as dashing off a skit for the Home Ec group, or decorating for a Valentine party, etc. I admit that I find all such activities pleasant and I believe there is a need for artistry even in little things of that kind. Nevertheless, it is a deviation from my real purpose, and a decided dissipation of time and energy that could be and should be utilized to greater advantage.

Concerning you: You can paint - I'm not saying [[strikethrough]] about you that [[/strikethrough]] I believe you have talent, as I said