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had lost his convictions - he has grown 'sleek' in spots, and his verve is gone. It is reflected in his work. It is obvious that his future is behind him and that's unfortunate. I shudder at the thought of that happening to you.

SO WHAT?? You and I are both attached and devoted to our arts and to the cause of art in general. However, neither of us would have the crust, courage, or stamina to break away alone & single-handed, to face the type of life each of us would like to face. Neither would we be willing to sacrifice the comfort we have known all our lives to live in the Jungles of Georgia or the Jackson of Mississippi. We both like friends, people, and convenience much too much for that - and why shouldn't we, having known these in abundance all our lives?

But I do think we could do it as a "team" - and "team work" is the trend!! Together we could fare the isolation because my guess