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[decide][[strikethrough]] d [[/strikethrough]] to start buying your pictures and my play. Its a cinch we couldn't live on ideals and dreams. But I do feel that if we really decide that it's the thing to do, then we'll somehow find a way. Man people have secured aid for such ventures. There must be somebody somewhere to whom we could sell the idea of backing us for such study and work, Don't you think? In my figgering I have ferreted out the 4 possible and most promising looking sources:

#1 Rosenwald : On the strength of what you have accomplished during this first year I feel that they will automatically renew your scholarship. There is no reason why I should not likewise apply for a scholarship. I am not sure as to how to proceed exactly and I certainly dont dare inquire here. So I'll have to ask you to Advise me as to how I should proceed. Dr Chas Johnson (Fiske) has for long time had a lot of drag on the Rosenwald Brand. He has been interested in me since I was a student - he even thought