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And so :- If I have bene sane in my reasoning - and if we can put forth in such Clichés [[strikethrough]] that [[/strikethrough]] as: "Two heads are better than one", "two can live cheaply as one" or as the stage manager says in "Our Town" - "Life's pretty tough going - it aint meant to be done alone - you got to travel it two at a time" - If we can accept such opinions - then let's by all means experiment with the "team" idea - for, as a team - I sincerely believe we would have the perfect set-up for making a thoroughly important and significant contribution - not to "Negro Art" - that is not enough - We can make an important and significant contribution to AMERICAN ART!! Furthermore Through the medium of our arts we can, at the same itme, champion the cause of the man whom we will use for subject matter!...... But the best part of it all is that we would not have to assume the roles of martyrdom to accomplish our common goal; [[strikethrough]] for [[/strikethrough]] on the contrary, I think we could live full [[underlined]],