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Julius Rosenwald Fund 
4901 Ellis Avenue

Edwin R. Embree
Will W. Alexander
Dorothy A. Elvidge
Secretary and Comptroller

M. O. Bousfield, M.D.
Director for Negro Health
Fred G. Wale
Director for Rural Education
William C. Haygood
Director for Fellowships

June 26, 1942

Dear Mr. Alston: I am very glad indeed to see your paintings reproduced in the recent issue of Fortune. I am also happy to hear such favorable reports of your work.

Within the last few months paintings of three of our Fellows have appeared in Fortune and Life, and I am sure you will be glad to know that we are sending reprints to our Trustees and to a selected list of persons interested in the Fund's programs. Under separate cover I am sending you a set of these reprints. It includes several of Jacob Lawrence's paintings from his migration series, your paintings, and the work of Tom Lea, a white Texan,well known for his murals, who was commissioned by Life to paint actual scenes aboard a destroyer in the North Atlantic.

All of us here at the Fund are happy to have had you, Mr. Lawrence and Mr. Lea among our Fellows.  All good wishes for your continued success.  

Very truly yours,
Edwin R. Embree


Mr. Charles Alston
1945 Seventh Avenue
New York City

Transcription Notes:
few words needs to be underlined that I was not able to do - DO NOT indicate underlining; see transcription guidelines