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Mr. Charles Alston
1270 5th Avenue
New York, New York 10029

Dear Mr. Alston,

It was indeed a pleasure for me to have seen you and to have spent a day with you during my stay in New York.

It is already close to a month since I've returned to San Francisco in order to see people regarding my work. This is much longer than I expected to stay and therefore I must leave straight for Spain without stopping over in New York. It is to my disappointment that I will not be able to meet Mr. Abramobitz. I will be back in the United States in December. If I cannot find time to visit New York at that time, I'll surely be there in February and May of next year. I would appreciate if you would introduce me to Mr. Abramobitz at that time.

My regards to Mr. Higa.

Yours truly,
Seiji Shimizu 
Seiji Shimizu
