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Your wonderful activities just makes me so proud of my marvelous teacher, Mr. Alston!

Did you make your definite plans to come to Japan with your gracious wife in August?

I would be most happy if I could meet both of tyou soon in August, here!

August is hot and humid here in Tokyo and worse in Kyoto, but New York is hot, too in summer. Most Buildings (Hotels), the bullet train to Kyoto and some taxis are air conditioned, and Temples have cool shadows under trees. And if you go to Northern parts of Japan it is cool.

So, if your health is good condition, you will enjoy Japan very much in August.

Anyway I long to see you!

I am ashamed to tell you that I have not painted any oil painting yet since my exhibition, although there are many reasons, no maid - had to work housekeeping, several rooms more re-modeled (moving and arrangement), many guests & social events (as my brother's book and his biography were published from a famous book publisher, and another of his book is coming next month, and I arranged one cover though I grieved at the result!)...... I wonder why there are so many things I have to do. I have to lock myself and paint.