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Thursday nite

Dear Spink - And now for the other letter I promised when I wrote on Tuesday- There's so much to be said really that I think it would be smarter not to try to include it in a letter - it'll probably end up being a "dissertation" with footnotes and Bibliography. But here's something else aside from that - I have talked with Dr. [[D?]] about your doing illustrations for his suite. He emoted most copiously when I told him how interested you were. At first he said he has decided to have only a book jacket done- Then I argued all over again on the point of an illustration for each composition. There are 8 in all and he is now working on the 7th. He took your address with the promise that he would contact you immediately I'll follow thru on it cause he's pretty forgetful at times. I think its going to break O.K.

Catherine Jenkins was here when I returned - she had been in some Teachers College in Jersey but didn't like it. She's adjusting beautifully to Bennett - and looks