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"No, I think I understand," said Mama Wire.  "He wants a new kind of job.  One where he will be respected."

"There is no such job for a wire," said Aunt Sophie.

"Ridiculous...ridiculous," said the smoke cloud.

"Just a minute," said Uncle Titus, "I think he could find what he wants at the bank.  Who is more respected than a banker?"

Bitsy dried his tears and looked up.  He was really very anxious to find the work for which he was fitted.  Perhaps, banking would be the very thing.

"But can you get him on there?"  asked Mama Wire.

"Well, part time, anyhow," said Uncle Titus.  "Mr. Grumpus, the president of the bank, always puts out the State flag during the first week of Spring. It is a small flag, just right for a beginner." 

"I would like to try...and I will work very hard to make you all proud of me," glowed Bitsy.

"Of course, Mr Grumpus trusts only me with the big American flag," said Uncle Titus.  "It is a great responsibility."

"Ridiculous...ridiculous," said Papa Wire.  "Hey, where is everybody?"

He had lost himself in the smoke cloud.

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