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two metal posts, his right had clutching a switch while his left hand touched a button.
"Simple, isn't it?" said poor Bitsy trying hard to keep himself in place.
"Now you keep your eyes on the bulb in front of you," said Mr. Trinkle.  "When you see it light up press the button with one hand and push the switch with the other."
"Is that all?" asked Bitsy.
"One little word of warning," said Mr. Trinkle. "When you feel the current don't let go of the posts."
"I'm afraid I don't know what you mean," said Bitsy.
"You don't know what CURRENT is?"
"Oh yes, I've eaten them in jelly," cried Bitsy happily.
"Not that kind," cried Mr. Trinkle.  "CURRENT of electricity is spelled with an 'E', while CURRANT in jelly is spelled with an 'A'."
"oh, now I understand," said Bitsy.
"I knew you would catch on," said Mr Trinkle.  "Good luck to you."
He walked away.
Bitsy turned to one of the wires next to him.
"Say, cousin, just what is this electric currrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..."
That was as much as he could say, for a fearful thing had happened.  A stinging feeling had crept right up from his feet to his head.  His teeth began to chatter.
The bulb had begun to glow.
Shaking from head to foot, Bitsy managed to push the button with is right hand and close the switch with his left.
His entire body began to crackle and spark.  He became more and more red until he was the same color as the scarf around his neck. (redder and redder) His hair stood straight up on his head and his nose lit up as bright as the bulb in front of him.