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Bitsy was frightened out of his wits.

With a yell he jerked his feet away from the metal posts and began to do a jig.  Around and around his feet flew, striking sparks from all of the other wires nearby.

Strange things began to happen in the Telephone Building: Lights flashed on and off.  Wires ran madly around trying to make the right connections.  Mr. Trinkle began to shout orders at the top of his voice, adding further to the confusion of the wires.

And worst of all, all of the people who were making cells began to talk to all of the other people who were making calls--all at once:

It was a dreadful mixup.

Finally, Mr. Trinkle pulled the main switch that shut off the entire Telephone Building.

Bitsy fell to his knees.  He was weak all over.

"So that is CURRENT spelled with an 'E,'" he cried.

Mr. Trinkle stood over him and pointed toward the door.

"Go...Go...Never come back!" cried the unhappy Mr. Trinkle.

"Gladly, for I do not like electric current as well as jelly currant," admitted Bitsy.

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