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Chin in hand Bitsy sat on the street curb [[strikethrough]] ing  [[/strikethrough]].  He was sorry for what had happened in the Telephone Building, but he was glad to be through with current.  The gladness did not last long.  He thought of the wires at home. 

"That Bitsy, he is no good for anything at all" was what Aunt Sophie would say.

"There is only one answer to that," he said aloud.  "I must find another job right away.."

That would not be so easy.  He thought and thought until his brain was tired.  Then an idea struck him.  If he merely asked for a job, it would then be up to the person who hired him to figure out what he was to do.

Bitsy jumped to his feet and looked about.  The streets were empty.

"Golly, how can I ask for a job if there is nobody to ask?"

Just at that moment the Moon whistles began to blow.  It was lunchtime all over the city.

It seemed as if all the doors in all the buildings opened together.  People began to pour into the street.  There were fat people, thin people, tall people, short people, and middlesized people...People, people, and then more people.

Little Bitsy never had a chance to ask anything at all.  He was too busy dodging between the legs of the rushing crowd.  It took all of the spring in him to keep from being crushed by the thousands of big feet and pushing knees.

At last, when he felt he could dodge no longer, he spied a shopping basket on the arm of a very large woman.  Using the last bit
