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"Now, you will meet all the Great Gambeanies. First, there is Papa Gambeanie. That's me." He bowed. "Then, there is Mama Gambeanie." She also bowed, her hair curling up like her husband's mustache. "And here is Baby Gambeanie." Looking just like a little candy doll, she made a curtsy. "Last of all, meet the High Wires." The High Wires all bowed together.

"But what do you all do?" asked Bitsy.
The Great Gambeanie pointed to the very top of the tent.

"There...Up there," he shouted. "We defy death."

"We are high wire walkers," explained Mama  Bambeanie. [[Gambeanie]]

"On [[One]] of our wires is sick," smiled Baby Gambeanie.

"A crick in his back," said one of the High Wires.

"You will take his place in the act," said another High Wire.

Bitsy gulped. Just the idea of being off the ground made him feel dizzy.

"Are you sure I'm the right one for the job?" he asked.

"I trust you," said Baby Gambeanie.

"Hope you've got a good grip, Bub," said one of the wires.

Bitsy gulped again. The lump in in throat must have been his heart.

Just then the Ringmaster shouted through the loudspeakers:

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we now bring to you the greatest act on the face of the earth. At the very top on the tent, the Great Gambeanies will defy death by walking the High Wires...without the use of a net. I give you THE GREAT GAMBEANIES....."

There was a roll of drums and Bitsy found himself swept into the center of the ring with the others. He was shivering all over, but it was too late to back out now.

One of the High Wires grasped Bitsy's feet and another his head. And there was Bitsy stretched out in the middle of a long line of wires.
Two men hooked the end wires into rings attached to pulley ropes. Then the men began to yank on the ropes, raising the wires up and up toward
