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the tent. A pyramid was formed with the smallest elephant at the top holding a ladder with his trunk.

Up the pyramid of elephants climbed the Ringmaster. The crowd held its breath. It seemed as though he would never reach the ladder with out falling. Finally, the Ringmaster was standing on top of the smallest elephant's head. When he started to climb the l[[strikethrough]]e[[/strikethrough]]adder women screamed and fainted. 

Standing tiptoe upon the topmost rung of the ladder, the Ringmaster was just able to reach Bitsy's frozen fingers. Finger by finger, the grip was loosened. 

When Baby Gambeanie was free the crowd gave a great shout of relief. Bitsy was the happiest of all.

"If it were not for the other wires, I would leave that Bitsy up there forever," said the Ringmaster.

One by one the Gambeanies and [[strikethrough]]then [[/strikethrough]] the wires came down the ladder and over the backs of the elephants to the ground. When all were safe, Bitsy tried to apologize for what he had done. Not one of the circus people would listen to him. 

But as he was leaving the tent, Baby Gambeanie ran to catch him by the hand.

"I know you were only thinking of me," she told him. "I think you are the nicest little wire of all." 

She kissed him on the tip of his nose.

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