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"Hum...Hum..."  They said after each look.

Bitsy knew they were coming toward him, but he was feeling too badly to care.  All he could think of was his failure.  Standing up on the pedestal he put his face in his hands.

The judges stopped in front of Bitsy, looked down at the picture, and then looked up at him.

"Hummmmmmmmmmmmmmm..."  they cried.

Putting their heads together they began to whisper. 

Bitsy just knew they were going to do something awful to him for dropping the painting.  He was determined to take his punishment like a wire.  He could hear them saying: 

"Most unusual lines..."

"Clean workmanship..."

"A work of art..."

"Best in the show..."

Then the biggest judge came forward.

The little wire held his breath.  Perhaps the judges had chosen the picture after all.  The worth of a work of art did not depend on walls.

"Gentlemen," cried the biggest judge.  "I think we are all agreed that here is a work the artist has put his heart into.  The finest thing in the show is this wonderful piece of WIRE SCULPTURE!"

And with that, he placed the gleaming medal right on Bitsy's chest.

--- --- ---

Now, if you want to see Bitsy O'Wire you will have to go to the museum and stand in line with the other people.

The artist, of course, is there every day.  He is very rich and famous.

Mama and Papa wire are there every day, also.  They are very proud of their little boy.

And Bitsy is a little proud of himself because he has a last found his job. 

His job is merely being himself.
