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[[left margin word ]] Caroline [[/left margin]]  

[[ left margin picture]] cane, bat, ramp[[/picture]]

[[right margin middle of page]] three bowls two bowls are sitting higher surface [[/right margin middle of page]]

[[right margin near bottom of page]] full round pail with handle.  One full lamp with shade and half lamp shade [[/right margin near bottom of page]]

No one ever noticed that he was bright and beautiful himself.  Nobody ever thought about his many talents.  Every one just took him for granted and put him to work.  If someone had just said Thank you, [[strike through]] very much [[/strike through]] Bitsy once in a while, he would have felt ever so much better.  But no one every did.  Nobody appreciated him.

Bitsy O'Wire grew up in a very large family.  He had so many [[strike through]] cousins [[/strike through]] brothers, sisters, cousins, aunts and uncles that he couldn't never count them.   And though they all bore a striking family resemblance they were very different from each other.  Some of his sisters and brothers were [[strike through]] long [[/strike through]] slender and graceful like his mother, others were heavy like his father and quite stiff like his father and awkward. [[strike through]] However [[/strike through]] Then there were aunts and uncles who were a shiny. silvery grey.  Bitsy himself was heavy like his father but he had his mother's beauty and grace.

His real name, of course wasn't Bitsy, nor was it O'Wire.  [[stike through]] He didn't even know what the "O" in name stood for. [[/strike through]]  He was christened just plain "Bit O. Wire."  But there was something about the name he didn't like.  He didn't even know what the "O" stood for.  So when he left his home to seek a better future he changed his name to Bitsy O'Wire because it sounded better to him.  [[strike through]] Besides, he said to himself [[/strike through]] "Besides, he thought, a fellow ought to make a name for himself in this world."

[[strike thorough]] Some of them were long and slender graceful, others were heavy and quite stiff and awkward.  Then there were some who had [[/strike through]]

[[Strike through]] Bitsy was very fond of of his handsome young body.  He was eager to show everybody how 

[[?]] Bitsy
I must find a job he said as he walked down
[[/strike through]]  

He thought for a long time about what kind of job he would seek.  [[strike through]] He didn't  want to work at the telephone company.  His brother [[/strike through]] One of his brothers said, "I can get you on down at the telephone company, [[why don't you]].  The hours are long but its good steady

[[strike through]] work, No
"No" said Bitsy
"my boss told me that he could
[[?]]. Loudspeaker [[/strike through]] 

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